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fresh products since 1995

Made in LOCAL 

Cultivated under the sun of Provence


Made  in Provence 


The company has signed a engagement charte with about fifty local producers to offer quality products and made in Provence. This partnership of proximity allows to be present at all stages of the culture.

We work all year round with these growers which allows us to adjust the volumes of each variety and the harvest dates during the preparation of the campaign. Depending on market trends, the quantities of different types of squash are estimated before planting and a tonnage is validated with them. This allows our producers to ensure a peaceful and empowered future if they wish to invest in order to grow. The main varieties are: squash, butternut, potimarron and in recent years: spaghetti squash.

Visits are made to producers before harvest to estimate the sizes, colorations, precocity ... We monitor all inputs with quality control and residue analysis. Our producers don't treat their crops, which allows us to have no pesticide residues except for incidents such as pests such as aphids or climatic conditions favoring the development of molds. We regularly test more than 600 active ingredients to ensure that no pesticides are present.


These local productions that we collect can be marketed to customers who want large and stable volumes over several months: retail, catering or wholesalers. You can find all our products "made in Provence " next to you, in your supermarket or your small scoop.

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